Recipe Ideas
Strawberry and Cream Cheescake
Cheesecake is one of the simplest and delicious low-carb desserts to prepare. Serves: 10 Prep...
Avocado & Peach Choc Chip Muffins
These are a great option to take to someone's house or to enjoy during the day with the kids....
Peanut Chicken
A quick and easy meal. This is a modified version of Jamie Oliver's Gnarly Peanut Chicken from his...
Mini Lemon Cheesecakes
Cheesecake is one of the simplest and delicious low-carb desserts to prepare. These mini...
Chia Pudding
This can be used for breakfast, dessert or a snack. There are many combinations you can try and...
Keto Cake
This keto-friendly cake is a modified version of Luke Hines’ Ultimate Keto Cake. Serves: 12 Prep...
Coconut Flour Pizza
The following pizza base is taken from Liv Kaplan. You can add your own range of toppings. ...
Fish Burgers
These fish burgers are a hit with the family. You can use any type of fish. We have used tuna and...
Lamb Moroccan Curry
A delicious and easy homemade curry. This recipe is a modified version from Defeat Diabetes. Be...
Fluffy Keto Bread
This bread is delicious with extra virgin olive oil or on its own. This recipe is a modification...
Seed Crackers
Seed crackers are the perfect alternative to your standard bread crackers. This recipe is taken...
Keto Meat Pie
This recipe is from the Diet Doctor with slight modifications. Use whatever mince you like and...
Parmigiana alla melanzane – Eggplant parmigiana
Eggplant parmigiana is a great comforting dish. We love the taste, warmth and flavours it brings....
Meatzza you ask? It is a pizza without the carbs. The base is mince meat, making it a real food...
No oat porridge
Who says you can't enjoy porridge when eating low carb? This porridge is so creamy and comforting....
Pulled Brisket Burrito Bowl
Burrito bowls are a family favourite and so easy to incorporate into a real food lifestyle. You...
Pulled Beef Brisket
Beef Brisket is one of the best cuts of meat for braising or slow cooking. Brisket is a tough cut...
Zucchini, Olive and Feta Low Carb Bread
This is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The key tip is to take as much water out of the...
Green Power Smoothie
This is a simple and easy way to incorporate a range of vegetables into your diet. It is quick,...
Home-made Tomato Sauce
Tomato sauce can contain a lot of sugar. This home-made tomato sauce recipe is easy, healthy and...
Three Seed Bread
This is another great low carb bread. It keeps for a few days and freezes well. It is delicious...
Sausage Tray Bake with Veggies
This is an easy all in one meal full of flavour. You can alter the ingredient list and add/remove...
Keto Sausage Rolls
We love this recipe in our household. The kids always demolish it, and it is a great recipe for...
Hard Boiled Egg Pudding
When I first read this recipe from Maria Emmerich, my first thought was, ‘hmmm… interesting.’...
Everyday Low Carb Bread
This is one of my favourite low carb breads. It has the texture and taste of traditional bread and...
Chocolate Peanut Butter Berry Nice Cream
Ice cream is one of my favourite treats. This is a great alternative to sugar loaded ice creams...